Digital Twin and Synthetic Data

Enhancing Yield Estimation with Synthetic Data-Driven AI

The Challenge:

Strawberry farming faces challenges such as variable fruit size, labor shortages, and the need for precise yield estimation. Traditionally, acquiring sufficient real-world data for training machine learning models in agriculture is costly and time-consuming.

Our Innovative Approach:

The Smart Agriculture Lab introduces a groundbreaking approach using synthetic data-driven AI to enhance strawberry yield estimation. By merging rendered and real imaging data, we develop more efficient data acquisition methods that reduce costs and increase the scalability of agricultural AI applications.

How It Works:

  • Data Acquisition: Utilizing a ground vehicle equipped with cameras, we collect high-quality images of strawberry plants directly from the fields. This real-world data captures the nuanced physical attributes of strawberries in various growth stages.

  • Synthetic Data Generation: In parallel, we create a highly detailed digital simulation of the strawberry farm, complete with 3D models of strawberry plants. This simulated environment allows us to generate synthetic 2D images that supplement the real image dataset.

Figure: Real vs. Simulated Strawberry Farming for AI Training
A highly accurate 3D simulation of the field environment, designed to generate synthetic image data for training AI models in strawberry yield estimation. This side-by-side comparison showcases our innovative approach to integrating real and synthetic data to enhance fruit detection accuracy.

  • Procedural Modeling: We utilize procedural modeling techniques to automatically generate variations in plant features such as size, color, and growth stage. This method ensures a diverse range of synthetic data, closely mimicking real-world variability and improving the robustness of our AI models. This approach significantly reduces the need for extensive field data, streamlining the development of agricultural technologies.

Figure: Procedural Modeling of Strawberry Plants in Simulation
Panel A: Step-by-step evolution of a procedurally modeled strawberry plant, highlighting the adjustment of various parameters from initial growth to fruiting stage. Panel B: Detailed visualization of the procedurally modeled plant in a simulated environment, displaying the complex interplay of growth parameters that can be dynamically adjusted (right sidebar). This simulation enables precise control over plant characteristics such as leaf size, fruit scale, and stem angles, enhancing the realism and variability of the synthetic data for training AI models.

  • AI Model Training: We employ Faster R-CNN neural networks trained on both synthetic and real datasets to detect strawberry fruits accurately. This hybrid training approach enhances the model’s ability to generalize from synthetic data while fine-tuning its performance with real field data.

Key Benefits:

  • Increased Data Efficiency: Our method significantly reduces the reliance on extensive real-world data collection, lowering both the costs and logistical barriers associated with traditional methods.

  • High Accuracy: Initial results show strawberry fruit detection accuracy of 68% using only synthetic data, which jumps to 90% when combined with real images. This demonstrates the potential of synthetic data to supplement and even enhance real data sets in agricultural contexts.

  • Scalability and Adaptability: The flexibility of synthetic data allows for rapid adaptation to different crops and environments, making this approach versatile and scalable across various agricultural applications.

Future Directions:

We aim to refine the accuracy of our synthetic models and expand the technology to other crops, further bridging the gap between digital simulations and real-world agricultural applications. Enhancements will focus on improving the detection of diverse fruit characteristics and adapting the models for broader agricultural use.

We are seeking new researchers for the project. Contact us for details.


Omeed Mirbod

Former Master Student